Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Alternate Edition w/Student CD ROM+ PowerWeb + Standard & Poor’s Educational Version of Market Insight

  • Publisher: Irwin/McGraw-Hill; 6th edition (March 12, 2002)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0072553073

The Alternate Edition includes all of the same features and benefits as the Standard Edition. Its only difference is that it includes four additional chapters on more advanced topics: Risk Management; An Introduction to Financial Engineering; Option Valuation; Mergers and Acquisitions, and Leasing.


Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Alternate Edition w/Student CD ROM+ PowerWeb + Standard & Poor’s Educational Version of Market Insight Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Alternate Edition w/Student CD ROM+ PowerWeb + Standard & Poor’s Educational Version of Market Insight Reviewed by Võ Hoài Nam on 13:02 Rating: 5

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